Welcome ????

Hello everyone and welcome to musicanza.it, the taste of music ????

We are in mid-March 2020 (in quarantine from Covid-19), at home thinking about what to do, and the idea was: why not open a website that concerns something you are passionate about? We hope that this idea will go forward in time by collecting more and more testimonials and, if so, it will be nice to look back one day and go back to reading this first article, dated March 2020.

This site was created to share various experiences related to the world of music, of any aspect.

Despite personally being a guitarist, the idea is to share experiences related to any musical aspect, therefore modern singing, opera singing, guitar, piano, bass, drums and anything else that may be of collective interest.

By subscribing to the site it will be possible for any user to publish their articles, indeed, the idea is precisely this, to give the possibility to anyone who has experiences to share to be able to do it easily.

Happy reading everyone ????

Published on musicanza.it on: 13/03/2020.